Streamlining E-Grocery Warehouse Operations and Boosting Accuracy with Inventory Software

Blog  •  09.22.23
Streamlining E-Grocery Warehouse Operations and Boosting Accuracy with Inventory Software


Businesses are continually seeking efficient solutions to streamline their operations. In the realm of inventory management, manual tracking and outdated systems can lead to inefficiencies, stockouts, and lost revenue. Fortunately, inventorying software has emerged as a transformative tool that empowers businesses, especially in the e-grocery sector, to maintain real-time control over their stock levels and improve overall operational efficiency. This article will explore the benefits and trends of inventorying software and highlight its crucial role in e-grocery's success.

What Does Inventorying Software Do?

Inventorying software is a comprehensive digital solution that enables businesses to manage their inventory effectively. It encompasses various software modules, including Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), and Picker Apps.

An ERP system provides a centralized platform to manage core business processes, including finance, sales, and inventory. WMS, on the other hand, focuses on optimizing warehouse operations, such as order fulfillment, inventory tracking, and shipping. Lastly, Picker Apps facilitate efficient order picking and real-time updates to the WMS, ensuring seamless item control.

Main Advantage of Using Yango Tech’s WMS for Inventory

The advantages of implementing Yango Tech’s WMS as inventorying software are numerous and extend far beyond traditional inventory management methods. One key benefit is the ability to maintain real-time updates from the Picker App to the WMS. This allows for instant visibility of stock levels, reducing the risk of stockouts and ensuring timely replenishment requests are sent to ERP.

For e-grocery businesses, real-time updates are particularly critical. Products with short shelf lives, such as fresh produce and perishables, require constant monitoring to prevent waste and spoilage. By updating essential product information in real-time, such as expiration dates, the risk of selling expired goods is minimized, improving customer satisfaction and trust.

When it comes to order management, the real-time update allows precise and efficient tracking of order preparation as well as order delivery. The order information is sent to the WMS from a website or mobile application. From there, Picker App of a dedicated picker will receive the order with details of the items ordered, their location within the warehouse, as well as an estimated picking time for each item. After the order has been picked up, the dispatch system will automatically assign the order to a courier through a Courier App, but not before the algorithm checks if there is a possibility to batch this order to other existing orders. Finally, real-time updates will allow following the order through last-mile delivery.

The real-time update is a priceless addition to contemporary e-grocery and q-commerce where order preparation and delivery times are of great importance to the customer, whereas its importance in the warehouse is in effective support of warehouse operations.

Beyond real-time updates, inventorying software facilitates efficient order fulfillment and intelligent inventory allocation. By integrating systems containing ERP, WMS, and Picker App, businesses can automate order processing, pick and pack operations, and optimize inventory distribution based on demand and location. This results in faster order fulfillment and reduced lead times, contributing to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

It's important to understand that a robust data management system ensures the accuracy and integrity of inventory information. Through automated data entry and validation processes, human errors and inconsistencies are minimized. This leads to a more reliable inventory database, reducing the risk of stock discrepancies and costly mistakes in stock control decisions.

Key Effect Of Yango Tech’s WMS:

  • Improve OSA (On-the-Shelf-Availability) up to 99%
  • Reduce write-offs by up to 40%
  • Increase the accuracy of inventory management and forecasts to up to 99.5%
  • Reduce order assemble time by 50%
  • Reduce cancellations by up to 35%

Inventorying software provides comprehensive reporting and analytical capabilities that enable businesses to gain valuable insights into their inventory performance. Apart from short reports containing metrics crucial for the function of a dark store (such as average picking time, click-to-eat, orders-per-hour, etc), users can generate detailed reports on inventory turnover rates, demand patterns, and historical data, helping them make informed decisions for optimized stock levels and supply chain efficiency. These analytical tools empower businesses to identify trends, forecast demand, and strategically plan inventory replenishment.

Item Control

Effective inventory management involves controlling stock levels to strike a balance between meeting customer demands and minimizing carrying costs. Several key challenges are solved with automated, real-time inventory control:
Order picking efficiency
High level of missing items
Missed sales
High level of write-offs
Cancelled orders
Poor customer service

Inventorying Software Trends

As technology continues to evolve, inventorying software is poised for significant advancements in the near future. Some notable trends include:
a) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration: AI-driven forecasting and demand planning capabilities will enable more accurate inventory predictions, reducing excess inventory and improving supply chain efficiency.
b) Internet of Things (IoT) Adoption: IoT devices will enable real-time tracking of inventory, providing live updates on product location and condition throughout the supply chain. One good example of condition monitoring is IoT devices for freezers and refrigerators where close monitoring of goods prevents early expiry.
c) Blockchain for Transparency: Blockchain technology will enhance data integrity and traceability, ensuring a transparent and secure inventory management process.

Inventorying as the Key to E-Grocery's Success

In the highly competitive e-grocery industry, efficient inventory management is a game-changer. An integrated warehouse, enabled by inventorying software, is essential for success. Real-time updates, including product information like expiration dates, ensure that customers receive fresh and high-quality products, reducing write-offs due to spoilage.

Moreover, an integrated system improves warehouse topology, optimizing storage space and reducing unnecessary handling, leading to cost savings and faster order fulfillment. These benefits directly translate into improved customer service, increased customer loyalty, and a significant competitive advantage in the e-grocery market.


Inventorying software has revolutionized the way businesses manage their inventory, especially in the rapidly growing e-grocery sector. Real-time updates, efficient item control, and integration of warehouse operations bring transparency and agility to inventory management. As technology evolves, businesses that embrace the latest inventorying software trends will thrive in a competitive market, providing customers with unparalleled service and efficiency.